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Symptoms appear to be very diverse and vary from individual to individual. This is one of the reasons that yeast is difficult to diagnose. It also makes it difficult for doctors to understand the symptoms that we all deal with on a daily basis.

This is a listing of some of the symptoms that may be associated with candida.

If you have some of the symptoms listed below, you may have candida. One way to see is by taking a saliva test..

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incapacitating fatigue

concentration/focus problems

short term memory

painful joints

muscle aches

extreme tightness in the neck and shoulders

acid reflux

brown colored mucus in the back of the throat

white or blood blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat

unrefreshing sleep

sore throat

white coated tongue

aversion to be touched - "crawling" skin

chronic sinusitis

frequent urination


chronic constipation

headaches including migraines

visual blurring

sensitivity to light

eye pain




panic attacks

personality changes

mood swings


night sweats

canker sores

shortness of breath

hypertension/high blood pressure

dizziness and balance problems

sensitivity to heat/cold

alcohol intolerance

gluten intolerance

irregular heartbeat


irritable bowel

constipation and/or diarrhea

painful gas/abdominal bloating

low grade fever or low body temperature

numbness/tingling in the face or extremities

dryness of mo uth and eyes

difficulty swallowing

projectile vomiting

menstrual problems (PMS/endometriosis)

recurrent yeast infections

recurrent ear infections

skin rashes

dry/flaking skin




skin discoloration/blotchiness


jock and rectal itching

chronic athlete's foot

chronic t oenail and fingernail fungus

ringing in the ears (tinnitus)


sensitivity to noise/sounds

sensitivity to foods

sensitivity to chemicals

sensitivity to odors


weight changes without changes in diet


feeling in a fog


muscle twitching

muscle weakness

jerky-leg syndrome

low sex drive


Key Words: cancer diabetes aids cold & flu colds influenza raw food vegetarian vegan anti virus anti bacterial anti fungal anti cancer anti parasite alternative to antibiotics natural antibiotics Natural Energetics

Disclaimer:  Statements made within the pages of this site about products and health conditions or information have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

The root cause of many mild to severe ailments are often overlooked.  Find out more about Candida Albicans and the problems they cause below.

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